Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One month check-in

  I've got to start writing shorter posts.  I'm already through most of the advance posts I wrote before I started and I need to stay at least a week a head before I go out of town at the end of February.  I got a gift card for some Google ads in January so I went ahead and made a couple.  They were under review for something like two weeks before anything actually went online, which is really weird.  According to the Google AdWords website it should only take a day or two.  Maybe they're extra careful when they see ads with religious content.
  I certainly would be.
  Since the ads went up though I've seen a huge spike in traffic.  I had basically given up on AdWords, but then a couple days ago I noticed that suddenly as many people had clicked through the blog in one night as had the entire previous lifetime of this project.  I'm certainly not going to keep putting ads up once it ceases to be free, but it looks like I'm getting myself a nice little reader base.  This is good news.  Hopefully I'll continue to see some regular traffic after the ads are gone.  Tell your friends.

  I seem to be getting a surprising amount of traffic from India.  I back-tracked some links to a blog about the aggression of Christian missionaries in India.  It seems to focus on rebroadcasting news items that expose people making a bad name for the Christian Church, of whom there never tends to be a shortage.
  I'm glad there's a connection between our sites though.  Obviously I don't agree with their view that Christianity is a cancer on the face of India, but I think that the best thing for Christians to do when faced with these opinions is not to yell and argue, but to simply do our best to not be assholes.  The mainstream media is great at giving a little slice of air time to every nut job who hates his neighbor and wants to try to legitimize his problems by calling them Christian values.  We can't compete with that.  If we model our lives off of Jesus's ministry then honestly, I don't think we should be trying to compete with it.
  "Love the Lord your God...Love you're neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments" Mathew 22:37-40 Pardon the paraphrasing.

1 comment:

  1. griff,

    while i love reading all your comments on the scriptures, i so understanding having to economize your writing. as a writer who has other things to do (like work, family, community, etc...) i have to pick my battles. that is why i only post blogs twice a week, at best but if i did nothing else, i could post one or two a day.
