Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18 Exodus 4-6

Moses keeps arguing that no one will believe him so God makes his walking stick magic, so he can show it to people. Moses argues further that he’s not good at speaking and arguing so God tells him that He will tell him what to say and also gives him leprosy for just a couple seconds to prove he’s serious. Moses complains enough that God gets irritated with him and tells him to get his brother Aaron to help.

Moses tells his father in law he has to go back to Egypt and, by the way , almost gets himself killed by God on the way. At some place he’s staying for the night, God comes to kill him, or possibly his son, my footnote says it could be either one. Moses’s wife jumps into action by immediately circumcising her son and touching Moses with the knife, which staves off God. The Bible Handbook I’m looking at says this story has something to do with Moses not conforming to the law of circumcision, which is a huge deal to God. Moses couldn’t be an important Hebrew hero without circumcising his son.

Anyway, everyone gets to Egypt safely without being killed by God and Aaron meets them out in the desert. He was super-excited about God thinking of them. Once they both went to talk to Pharaoh though, not only did he not agree to let the Israelites go out into the desert for the imaginary three day festival, but he increased their workload significantly, making them gather their own straw for the bricks they were making in stead of supplying it like he always had before. Once that happens, the Israelites immediately turn on Moses, blaming him for pissing of Pharaoh and making their lives harder. Moses passes this along to God and asks Him why He would make so much trouble for them and God talks up how He’s going to punish Pharaoh and get all the Israelites out of Egypt with his mighty hand. Moses relays this stirring speech to the rest of the Israelites, but no one listens to him.

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