Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8 Genesis 25-26

Abraham dies at the age of 175 surrounded by sons and concubines and a brand new wife. He’s buried by Ishmael and Isaac in the same property as Sarah. Ishmael went on to have a dozen sons who each had their own tribe.

Rebekah had twins with Isaac, Jacob and Esau. Esau means red, because Esau was born covered in red hair. Jacob means heal-grabber because he was born supposedly grabbing the heel of Esau, who was born first. Heal-grabber was also an idiom for someone who sort of sneakily takes power from others. This is foreshadowing.

Esau was a macho man, always out hunting and stuff, while Jacob quietly hung out around the tents. Isaac loved Esau because he loved wild game. Rebekah favored Jacob though. One day Esau came in from the fields very hungry and Jacob was making stew. After some prodding Esau agreed to give up his birthright in exchange for some of Jacob’s soup.

Isaac had almost exactly the same interaction with Abimelech that his father had gone through probably 50 years previous. He claimed his wife was his sister and Abimelech found out the truth and sent them on their way. Later they made an agreement about some wells. It’s been said that this is probably just a case of someone getting their stories mixed up and it only actually happened to one of them, but I don’t think it affects my faith too much either way whether both Abraham and Isaac had similar experiences with Abimelech or not.

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