Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 52 Numbers 26-27

            God ordered another census taken.  There are still around 600,000 Israelites even with all the plagues and failed battle plans and various punishments.  God says that all the land they receive once they’re allowed into the promised land is to be divided up according to family sizes.
            They must be getting close to entering the promised land because that census isn’t the only preparation being made.  God tells Moses that he’s going to die before too long, (Moses, not God) and he and Aaron sinned back at that well a couple chapters ago, so he can’t enter the holy land with his people.  He can go up to a mountain top and see the land, but he must then come down and announce his successor.  His successor will be Joshua, one of the scouts who went into Canaan before and said that they could conquer it even though all the people were huge fighters and lived in fortified cities.  Caleb also said that, but I guess Joshua did it better, so he’s the new leader.

            While all this is happening, some sisters come to Moses saying their father has died and they have no brothers, but they feel like they should still get their father’s portion of the inheritance when they get to Canaan.  Moses goes to God about it and God tells him that any time that happens daughters can inherit.  If there were no daughters, the inheritance would go to the brothers.  If there are no brothers, then to uncles, and then basically the closest family member available after that.

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