Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 113 2 Kings 12-14

            Joash was king of Judah.  He repaired the temple in Jerusalem with money donated by the people.  At first he tried to get the priests to sort it out, but after 23 years they had made no progress so Joash personally  took over.

            Jehoahaz was king of Israel.  He followed his ancestors, commiting the same sins as they had.  Aram was decimating Israel so Jehoahaz went to see Elisha for help.  Elisha was very sick, but he still led Jehoahaz through a little ritual and declared that they would defeat Aram, but because of a completely arbitrary thing that Jehoahaz didn’t do right, they would not destroy Aram completely.
            After this prophecy, Elisha died.  Some time later people fleeing from Moabite raiders tossed a body into his grave.  The body touched Elisha’s bones and came back to life.  That’s what happens with a double portion of God’s blassing I guess.

            Amaziah became king of Judah.  He defeated some Moabites, but then he got cocky and challenged Israel to a fight.  He lost.

            King Jeroboam II became the ruler of Israel some time after that battle.  He’s the one who defeated Aram like Elisha said and restored the borders of Israel to where God said they should be.

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