Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 114 2 Kings 15-17

            More of the same.  A long line of kings filed through Israel and Judah.  None of them were really great guys, but most of them weren’t too horrible.  King Ahaz of Judah redecorated the temple with a foreign altar and used it for divinations.  Once upon a time God would have vaporized someone for a move like that, but I guess God is in the process of giving up on the Israelites not so there are no immediate repercussions.

            Eventually God completely turns His back on the Israelites and the king of Assyria conquers them and drives them out of the country, relocating them to Assyria.  At first the colonists he sends down to replace them are eaten by lions because the Assyrians don’t know anything about God or how to worship Him and not provoke Him into sending lions after them.  After the Assyrian king hears about these problems and sends a priest down to teach them about God.  They do a little bit of temple stuff, but they also keep worshiping their local gods.  This seems to appease God just enough to stop killing them with  lions, but still doesn’t really ingratiate them.

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